I've been tagged by Rachel, from over at RachelHeyworthsBlog! Thanks, Rache :)!
3 Recent blogs I've followed: KatieWegnersblog, AmyWegnersBlog (my sisters).
Have you ever been to a rodeo? Nope! Would like to see one sometime, though.
Have you ever tried to ride a cow?
I've seriously considered it! But, no, I've never actually tried it. :D
Have you ever milked a cow or goat?
Have you ever been to a demolition derby?
Yeah, but I hardly remember it. I was young at the time.
What's your favorite country song?
Well, I'm not a huge fan of alot of country music, but I listen to it sometimes at work. Don't have a favorite, but I like "Only You Can Love Me This Way" by Keith Urban, "I Just Call You Mine" by Martina McBride, "Temporary Home" by Carrie Underwood, and a few others.
Do you like to hunt?
I like to hunt. Doesn't mean I do it very often though :D
Have you ever cooked your breakfast over an open fire in your backyard?
Not in the backyard! But I have a couple times while camping. :)
Have you ever thought that the muck was shallow and when you stepped in it, you sank knee deep?
Well, I've never had it quite that bad! :D But I have been in some pretty muddy places before. We did a basement once and the mud was like 3 inches deep all around the whole thing, and so we worked in that for a couple weeks. haha
What is the hardest thing you have ever done?
That's a tough question! Spiritually, I would agree with what Rachel had for her answer here. That is always a hard thing for me, but I want to get to the place where I just automatically give it all to Him, and don't hold anything back. Physically the hardest thing was when I was left alone to do part of the roof on the first day of my very first gambrel roof barn. I was scared to death and shaking up there. :D And being nervous just makes it that much worse, so, yeah, that was not too fun. lol
(The question is optional) what’s one of your most embarrassing moments?
lol. Ok. I guess I'd have to say my most embarrassing moment was when I was skiing for the first time. There were like all these kids who were like half my size having no problem with their skis, and I fell almost as soon as I put them on. Then, when I finally made it over to the tow rope for the bunny hill, I fell almost as soon as I grabbed the rope. :D I got all tangled up and it took me forever to get back on my feet. And the biggest thing was it was in front of like the whole ski lodge, and it was packed that day. lol I'll never forget that. :D
I'm going to tag:
I think just about everyone I know has been tagged!! But if you see this, and would like to do it, feel free to!
Here's how this works:
1. Do quick post about the person that tagged you saying thanks
2. Answer the 10 questions
3. Follow 3 new blogs and list them.
4. Tag 6 people
5. Challenge one person to do something fun or crazy: Here's the challenge!
Give everything you have to God. Everything. All your mind, all your dreams, all your strength. And I can tell you, you will never, ever regret it. Sometimes it seems impossibly hard at the time, but later on you won't regret doing the right thing. And sometimes for me I'm afraid if I give up something, I won't get it, or it won't be the way I want it. As far as the way I want it, it might not be that way; but the truth is, nothing is good outside of Him. So if we ignore His will and do what we want, we won't ever know the power and the peace and the joy that only comes with giving Him our all. So, even if it seems hard, do it! He will bless you; and don't forget, He desires the best for us in everything!
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5 years ago
Nice answers Ryan!!! =D
In Christ,
Excellent challenge!
Ditto to the above. Great post and excellent thoughts, Ryan! :)
Very good answers, Ry! :)
I enjoyed reading them.
See you tomorrow! :):)
Cool answers Ryan! I love your embarrassing moment! =P I'd probably do that on my first try of skiing! I'd love to skii...=(
God bless,
Hey Ryan,
I put your link on my blog. I was wondering if you would like to start The Gentlemen`s Weekly Journal? Go to this link on my blog to read how it works. Your blog is really cool!
In Christ
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