Monday, June 15, 2009

Finally, An Update

Well, I haven't kept my blog as updated as I wanted to, but I do have a couple of excuses :P I won't bore you with them, as it would probably just cause a rolling of the eyes or some other related thing.

For the first few days after Jonathan passed away, we were sooo busy it was crazy. At first it's like, "How can you prepare now for a funeral?" But really I think it's a blessing in disguise, because it makes you get up and get moving. If it wouldn't have been for that we easily could have just sat on the couch all day for half a week and just talked about what happened and stuff like that. But even though it's kinda heart breaking to prepare a funeral, it helped us to just realize that life has to go on, even if we don't want it to. Now, almost a week and a half later, life is pretty much back to normal on the surface. The Lord's really been doing a healing in our hearts. There's always that thing though, like when I come home from work and I almost expect to see Jonathan scooting towards me in his little walker. Or like when we were watching a movie and somebody sucked their breath in like Jonathan did when he was excited, and I looked over expecting to see him. Even though it brings some pain, I really don't ever want that to leave. I want to remember him always just as clearly as I do right now. I guess only time will tell if that will be.

The funeral was on Wednesday. We just held it in the cemetery. My dad led the service and did a great job, not so much because of how smooth everything went (even though it went really well), but because he spoke straight from his heart. We sang "It Is Well With My Soul" with Mr. Heyworth leading the singing. Then Dad opened it up to anyone else who wanted to speak, and a few other people spoke and just shared some things that they remembered about Jonathan and spoke some encouraging words. Then all of our church friends started singing this praise song that I foget the name to, but it really touched all of our hearts. Then my grandpa closed with a prayer.

I stayed behind alone to watch the guys bury the coffin. It was kinda weird to hear them talk. They talked about burying people just like I would talk about putting steel on a roof or something. I guess that's their job and you kind of get used to it after a while.

Afterwards everyone went to our house for lunch. We had a good time of fellowship, and all of us younger people had a really good talk. I think all of our close friends were there, and alot of our relatives. To bad we weren't all gathered for a happier occasion!

We still don't know why Jonathan died. There was nothing visually wrong with any parts of his little body. They're running tests now to see if they can find out what happened.

It's just amazing to see all the people who have written us cards or gave us money or food and sent flowers. One of the most awesome things about this is to see God's people come together and support us, many of whom we don't even personally know! We really appreciate all the love and support that everyone's shown, and all the comments that have been left on here and on my brother's blog. It's such a comfort and encouragement to hear and see all of this.

I hope to write a post soon on what the Lord's been showing me lately. We know what usually happens when I say that though!!! Haha. Maybe I'll prove myself wrong!?

God bless all of you!!!!


jjfortheking said...

Awesome, Ryan. I love reading the things you write. Great job. :D


Bethany said...

Thanks for updating and letting everyone know how you all are doing.

In Christ,

Jenna said...

I'm glad that all is well with your family...still praying.

Your sister in Christ,

Katie said...

Glad your family is doing well, but y'all are still in my prayers. I know that in time God will heal your hearts, and it sounds like he has already started to do so.

Calvary said...

I'm still praying!

God Bless!
